Look at individual user metrics

Look at individual user metrics#

A common support request for JupyterHub admins pertains to specific issues faced by a particular user. The “User Diagnostics” dashboard helps with this. It also helps look for outliers in a hub - people using too much of a particular resource, or not enough of a particular resource.

Home directory size (with shared volumes)#

If you use a shared volume (such as NFS) for home directory storage, you can use the prometheus-dirsize-exporter to efficiently collect information about the size of each user’s home directory. Once deployed, the exporter will collect slowly collect informatiohn about the size of each user’s home directory and make that available to prometheus. The “Home directory usage (on shared home directories)” graph will display this over time.


The exporter is optimized to use as few IOPS as possible, to make sure we do not reduce performance for end users actually using the home directories to store stuff. As a result, the sizes will probably be out of date and take a while to update, depending on how big the home directories are. Use these for general monitoring, nothing realtime.